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Vegetarian and Vegan Offerings

Each of Purdue's dining locations offers a wide variety of dishes from which a vegetarian may choose well-balanced meals.

Each dining operation offers a unique menu, with vegetarian items identified by an asterisk (*) on the Menus Online website.

Vegetarians Defined

Vegetarians are defined as those people who, for a variety of reasons, choose not to eat meat. There are many different types of vegetarians.

Most Common Types of Vegetarians

  • Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians: Those who include eggs in addition to dairy products in their diet.
  • Lacto-Vegetarians: Those who use dairy products such as milk, cheese, and butter.
  • Semi-Vegetarians: Those who seldom eat red meats.
  • Vegans: Those who refrain from consuming any animal products.

Our Vegetarian Items

  • Vegetarian entrees and soups are identified by an asterisk (*) on Menus Online.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are served at each meal.
  • Vegan Boca burgers are served at several locations.
  • Vegan items are noted by the word "vegan" in the title.
Dining Services Vegetarian Offerings*
Earhart Dining Court
  • The Souper Deli and the Gallery allow the customer to tailor their meal to fit his/her needs
  • Vegan Boca burgers are available on request at the Granite Grill
  • Hummus, pasta, legumes, and vegetarian salads are available at the Salad Stop
  • Soy milk is available at all meals
Ford Dining Court
  • Vegetarian Stir Fry and Mini Spring Rolls
  • Vegan Boca burgers are available on request at Legal Grease
  • Hummus and legumes are available at Thyme Square
  • Legumes, hummus and soy milk are available at all meals
Hillenbrand Dining Court
  • The Stack It Up Deli and Creation Station allow the customer to tailor their meal to fit their needs
  • Vegan Boca burgers are available on request at the Third Street Grill
  • A vegetarian item is available on Heartland Classics and Daily Feature
  • Vegetarian salads are available at the Leaf and Ladle
  • Soy milk is available at all meals
Wiley Dining Court
  • Fresh Tastes, Romeo & Parmesan, as well as Mozzarella Fresca allow the customer to tailor their meal to fit their needs
  • Vegan Boca burgers are available on request at the Open Flame
  • Hummus, pasta, legumes, and vegetarian salads are available at the Churrascaria and Fresh Tastes
  • Soy milk is available at all meals
  • Breakfast at Wiley includes an Omelet and Breakfast Skillet bar which also allows the customer to tailor their meal. Delectables offers a breakfast smoothie everyday
Windsor Dining Court
  • Portobello Road is completely dedicated to the vegan and vegetarian diet
  • All other stations offer at least one vegetarian item
  • Vegan Boca burgers are available at Portobello Road
  • A pasta bar with vegetarian sauce is available at Soho Market
  • Hummus and legumes are available at Chelsea Garden
  • Soy milk is available at all meals
3rd Street Market
  • Soy milk
  • Amy’s entrees
  • Kashi
  • Paul Newman snacks
  • Hummus and other vegan dips
  • Stretch Island fruit snacks
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Frozen vegetables
All On-the-Go! Locations
  • Vegetarian items available daily
*Note: Not all dining locations have the ability to prepare dishes in equipment solely dedicated to the preparation of vegetarian items, unless specifically stated.