About Dining Dollars in West Lafayette
What are Dining Dollars and where can I use them?
Students can use Dining Dollars to buy snacks, beverages, convenience store items or extra meals in any of the residential dining courts or retail operations. They are automatically part of meal plans and come loaded on a student's Purdue ID card. Dining Dollars can be used at our cafés, restaurant locations and markets throughout academic campus.
Dining Dollar FAQs
- What is the difference between Dining Dollars and BoilerExpress?
- Can I only use Dining Dollars during meal periods?
- How will I know how many Dining Dollars and BoilerExpress dollars I have left in my accounts?
- What happens if I don’t use up all of my Dining Dollars or all of the money in my BoilerExpress account by the end of the semester?
- Can I use Dining Dollars to buy school supplies and laundry detergent in the mini marts?
- Can I sell, trade or gift my Dining Dollars?